#Dapchigirls: Leah Sharibu marks 15th birthday in Boko Haram custody

The kidnapped teenage student, Leah Sharibu, will today, Monday mark her 15th birthday in the custody of her captors.

Miss Sharibu is the only one of the schoolgirls kidnapped from Dapchi still with the terror group, Boko Haram.

Miss Sharibu, who would have been the 106th girl to be freed, was left behind for refusing to denounce her Christian faith.

The remaining four kidnapped girls were reported to have died at the hands of their captors, who entered freely into Dapchi town on March 21 to return the freed girls.

Miss Sharibu’s mother had fainted and became unconscious after hearing the news about her daughter’s situation.

In a statement shortly after their release, Mr Buhari pledged to ensure that, “the lone girl was not abandoned”.

“The Buhari administration will not relent in efforts to bring Leah Sharibu safely back home to her parents as it has done for the other girls.

Speaking with PREMIUM TIMES on Sunday evening, the girl’s father, Sharibu Nathan, pleaded again with government to ensure the safe release of his daughter.

“Up till now, we have not seen our daughter. I am asking the government to please try and bring my daughter back safe. They should please help us!” Mr Nathan pleaded.

He thanked Nigerians, both Muslims and Christians, for their prayers and called for more supplications to ensure the release of his daughter.

“I thank all those Muslims and Christians who have prayed for us. They should please say more prayers for my daughter,” Mr Nathan added.

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