The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) today announced dates for general elections in the country for the next 36 years, starting from 2019 to 2055.
Chairman of the commission, Prof. Mamood Yakubu, made the announcement at a consultative meeting with leaders of political parties in Abuja.
“In 2019, the dates are February 16 and March 2; in 2023, the dates are February 18 and March 4. In 2027, the dates are February 20 and March 6; in 2031, it is February 15 and March 1. In 2035, it is February 17 and March 3; in 2039, it is February 19 and March 5 and in 2043, it will hold on February 21 and March 7. In 2047, it is February 15 and March 2; in 2051, it is February 18 and March 1; in 2055, it is February 20 and March 6,” Yakubu said.
He pointed out that in other democracies of the world, periods of elections are generally known and are not topics for speculation. Yakubu explained that the aim was to engender certainty in the election calendar and also to allow for long-term planning by the commission and all stakeholders.
He said that certainty in election calendar was necessary to match Nigeria’s democratic system with global best practices. The chairman said that in the last one week, INEC had received 108 applications from associations seeking to be registered as political parties.
He said that 66 of the applications did not meet the initial requirements, while 33 passed and had proceeded to the next stage. He said that nine others were at the final stage of registration. The INEC boss commended political parties for the roles they played in the governorship and National
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